About Us
The Bay Area Iranian-American Democrats, BAIAD, is a 100% volunteer-based organization that was founded in June 2004 on the basic principle that the time has come for Iranian Americans to develop a powerful political voice and influence by becoming active and responsible participants of American democracy.
To date, 100% of all BAIAD activities have been funded through membership dues, events ticket sales and small donations (with average donation being under $100).
BAIAD has been chartered (officially recognized) by the Santa Clara County and Alameda County Democratic Parties. However, BAIAD is an autonomous organization. In other words, the direction of BAIAD and choices about its activities are made solely and entirely by its Board of Directors. Not only that, but in fact BAIAD has determined one of its objectives to be educating the Democratic Party and encouraging it to improve its positions on issues important to Iranian-Americans.
Here are some of the things that make BAIAD unique:
BAIAD is the only Iranian-American organization in the Bay Area that is officially recognized by one of the only 2 major parties in the US. This is especially important if we are serious about getting more Iranian Americans elected to political office.
BAIAD is the only Iranian-American community-based organization in the Bay Area that is openly (and legally) political
BAIAD is local, as is “all politics”. Local presence in the political scene is critical to the success of any community when it comes to having political voice and influence.
BAIAD is by definition structured as a community-based organization
Our Officials:
Mariam Ghazvini President
Betty Tahmasbi Vice President
Sina Ferdosi Financial Officer
Ulduz Berenjfroosh Communications Officer
Niaz Berenjfroosh Webmaster
Shayesth Ahmed Membership
Monireh Kazemi Membership
Sousan Manteghi E-Board Member at Large
Hormoz Mogharei E-Board Member At Large
Mehdi Safipour E-Board Member At Large